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Explore Bangkok Riverside

Explore Bangkok Riverside

Stretching over 300km, the iconic Chao Phraya River twists through the heart of Bangkok, weaving the neighbourhoods together with riverfront communities that are integral to the city’s identity. Riverside areas offer a scenic contrast to the bustling streets of the city centre. Here, the banks are lined with historical complexes mingling with modern attractions and tourists staying at their luxury Bangkok city hotel, creating a unique travel experience in Thailand’s busy capital.

Wat Kalayanamit

This serene temple complex features ornate architecture and a peaceful atmosphere, offering a less crowded option for those looking to glimpse into the history of Thailand’s iconic temples. The buildings loom over the banks of the Chao Phraya, with a courtyard of picturesque ponds and waterlilies.

Wat Arun

Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn) sits across the river from Wat Kalayanamit, with its towering prang (Khmer-style spire) adorned with colorful porcelain shards. A breathtaking landmark during the day, the unique temple is bathed in gold during sunsets and stands as a glowing fixture when illuminated at night.

Lhong 1919

A restored riverside community, the former 19th-century Chinese Mansion features a courtyard of old shophouses transformed into art galleries, cafes, and unique shops. Follow the aroma of incense around the complex that sits only a minute away from the Wang Lee Pier ferry service.

Thonburi Canals

Explore the waterways inking the map of Thonburi, Bangkok – embark on a long-tail boat tour and weave through a network of khlongs (canals), witnessing local life unfold along the water’s edge. Despite the modern characteristics of the area, the canals pass through scenes of waterfront temples and bustling markets, a glimpse into a different side of Bangkok.

Asiatique The Riverfront Asiatique The Riverfront = Image via Flickr

A destination for shopaholics and foodies alike, the riverside market and mall of renovated waterfront warehouses houses trendy shops and renowned restaurants, 5 minutes away from Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok. Additionally, for a panoramic view of Bangkok and the Chao Phraya, catch a ride on Asiatique’s Ferris wheel overlooking the illuminated waters of the river.


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8 Unique Eco-Friendly Florida Animal Encounters

8 Unique Eco-Friendly Florida Animal Encounters

Looking for an exciting and unique eco-tour? Florida’s subtropical climate and convenient access give you that and so much more! All types of people can (and do) go on outdoor adventures here. Abundant tour options enable visitors to see and experience Florida animals in the wild. Tourism and development pressure has put many species and habitats at risk but these are the stories of how your vacation dollars help protect and preserve these endangered species.

Manatee Encounters in Crystal River 2 ManateesPhoto Credit: Discover Crystal River Florida.

By now, most people know what a manatee is. They are the cute marine mammals that congregate in the springs during the winter and eat a lot. Their closest living relative is the elephant if that tells you something about their diet and appetite. They are also our favorite wild animals in Florida and our favorite weekend getaway in Florida.

Forty years ago, there wasn’t this kind of awareness. People called manatees funny looking speed bumps. The population was in steep decline, and boat strikes alone threatened to push them into extinction. Luckily, the state and Federal Government started to develop protection plans to save these gentle giants. These plans centered on using tourism to help spread the message.

The Florida Manatee Recovery Plan states – “Media coverage of manatee rescues, treatments, and releases helps to educate millions of people about manatees, the life-threatening problems that they face… In addition, more than eighteen million visitors a year see manatees at rehabilitation facilities and participate in manatee education programs sponsored by several parks. The publicity and outreach inherent in this program provide significant support to efforts to recover the manatee… Manatee viewing opportunities have also been made available to the public… Such efforts are essential for obtaining public compliance with conservation measures to protect manatees and their habitats. Many public awareness materials have been developed specifically focusing on boater education.“

Thanks to literally millions of people becoming involved, manatees have left the endangered list in Florida. They aren’t out of the woods yet, but there’s hope that you can continue to swim with manatees in Florida for years to come.

Diving on Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys Adventurous girl snorkeling in the ocean coral reef. Located near Key West, Florida, United States.Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

The Florida Keys boasts about how they have the only living coral barrier reef in America. Tour operators take boatloads of people every day to dive and snorkel in this underwater playground. However, if you read between the lines, you realize that the coral reefs of the Florida Keys are at the northern edge of their habitat. That makes the ecosystem vulnerable. As a matter of fact, Key West recently voted in a law to ban the sale of non-reef-safe sunscreen(sunscreen products containing oxybenzone and octinoxate) believed to damage coral reefs. (This progressive policy took effect January 1, 2021)

In recent years, El Nino / La Nina weather patterns exposed the vulnerability of the reef system. Coral reefs are a complex symbiotic community of polyps and algae. When the reef is stressed, it releases the algae in a process called coral bleaching. Bleaching alone can recover quickly, but the stress exposes the ecosystem to diseases like white-band and blank-band coral disease. These are infections that can wipe out entire reefs very quickly. When the reefs go, the Florida animals living on them will soon follow.

Scientists and volunteers have been working tirelessly to fight these devastating threats. They are treating infected corals and propagating disease-resistant species. Right now, they are working to contain the disease and save the species. The economic value of these reefs to the Florida Keys is, in part, why Florida’s Governor DeSantis is recommending $277,650 for “Monroe County Reef Protection.”

Dolphin Tours in Panama City Beach DolphinPhoto Credit: Jenn Coleman.

It seems like every beach town in Florida has some kind of dolphin tour rolling, for good reason too. These little guys are pretty darn cute and we love it that people are seeing them in nature instead of dolphin shows. However, Panama City Beach and its adjacent St Andrews Bay offer something particularly unique – the world’s largest population of Bottlenose Dolphins. Of course, with a draw like that, a lot of people get into the dolphin tour business, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

St Andrew’s Bay is a particularly vulnerable ecosystem because it has minimal tides combined with a small influx of fresh water. Advocacy groups, like the Friends of St Andrew’s Bay, are taking up the banner to protect this resource. They put it so eloquently – “We can lose a great number of species within our nationally-significant ecosystem if we don’t care for it properly. If the water becomes turbid or if sediments become contaminated, we can lose everything. Property values, recreation, and fishing are also at stake. We don’t want to lose our biological treasure and the social benefits it provides.”

Sea Turtle Hatching in Fort Lauderdale Baby green turtles making it's way to the oceanPhoto Credit: Deposit Photos.

When Europeans first came to Florida, they loved sea turtles because they could stay alive for months upside down in the ship’s hold until they were finally eaten. Green turtle soup canneries have decimated that species in Florida. Somewhere between the 1973 Sea Turtle Protection Act and Crush, the dude-ing turtle from Finding Nemo, sentiments have changed. Nothing captures the poetic struggle of life more beautifully than baby sea turtles hatching and rushing towards the ocean. It’s mad and perfect at the same time. Seeing these little guys running down the beach to swim out into the open ocean captures the spirit of hope in all of us.

We had an opportunity to watch a turtle hatch for ourselves with Sea Turtle Oversight Protection, a community group dedicated to saving baby sea turtles. All summer long, their volunteers watch nests that are about to hatch and help the hatchlings to the ocean if they get confused by the bright lights of Fort Lauderdale. To date, they have saved over 200,000 (yes five zeros!) baby sea turtles who would have otherwise died on the beach or on the road. (Hooray for endangered species in Florida!)

Despite growing as a tourist destination, Fort Lauderdale is now neck and neck with Oman as the largest turtle hatchery. In 1985, only 1216 turtles nested in Broward County. Today, that number is about 4,000 with more coming every year. Conservationists mark the nests and help the hatch, but you can see this midsummer miracle for yourself as an eco-tourist.

The Elusive Florida Panthers of the Everglades Panther Florida animal close-up profile view looking at the camera with a foliage background while exposing its body, head, ears, eyes, nose, paws, tail in its environment and surroundingPhoto Credit: Deposit Photos.

There are some Florida animals you’re not likely to see, but that doesn’t mean tourism isn’t helping them too. Per the Florida Panther Recovery Plan  – “Panthers require large, contiguous areas of suitable habitat to meet their social, reproductive, and energetic needs. Panther habitat selection is related to prey availability, which means they select habitats that make prey vulnerable to stalking and capturing. Dense understory vegetation provides some of the most important feeding, resting, and denning cover for panthers.“

The plan goes on to explain “The breeding range of the Florida panther population is currently restricted to habitat south of the Caloosahatchee River in southern Florida.” For the lay folk, it means Everglades National Park and the associated wildlife preserves. Activities, like airboat rides in the Everglades, introduce people to this unique ecosystem and dispel myths and fears about swamps. People are learning why wetlands are worth saving instead of draining for more condos. Is it working?

The Florida panther population has increased from about 20 adults in the early 70’s to almost 300 adults today. Breeding females have been found north of the Caloosahatchee with individuals regaining historic ranges in Georgia. Scientists continue to fight the fight and introduce fresh genetic stock from related pumas in Texas, but it’s up to us  to choose the wildlife of the Everglades over the nightlife of Miami.

Miniature Key Deer on Big Pine Key Endangered Key Deer Fawn on Big Pine Key in the Florida KeysPhoto Credit: Deposit Photos.

Have you ever heard of a Key Deer before? Perhaps not because there’s only 800 of them in the world and they only live in the Florida Keys. But, if you’ve ever seen Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer cartoon, they look just like that (minus the nose). They are about the size of a big dog and cute as a puppy.

Not so long ago, Key Deer were a few gunshots from being extinct. Poaching in the 1950s reduced the population to only a few dozen animals. The establishment of the Key Deer Refuge and the subsequent 1967 status of the endangered species act allowed for a dramatic recovery of the species. Now, nearly a thousand Key Deer live in the Keys, mostly around Big Pine and No Name Key.

When you’re planning your visit to the Keys, consider visiting the refuge to see these cuties for yourself. It will be a reminder of why you should drive the speed limit on Highway 1, especially at night when these Florida animals are more active.

Goliath Grouper Aggregation on Florida Shipwrecks Goliath GrouperPhoto Credit: Deposit Photos.

For our next “only in Florida animal encounter” we have the Goliath Grouper aggregation. They are the diametric opposite of Key Deer in every way except how ecotourism is helping to save the species. These enormous fish are the apex predators in the shallow reefs surrounding Florida. Epinephelus itajara, aka Goliath Grouper, are the largest grouper species in the Atlantic Ocean weighing up to 800 pounds.

They were considered for inclusion on the endangered species act in 1991. By 1993, all commercial fishing was prohibited in Florida and the Caribbean. Florida began to add artificial reefs along the coast from Miami up to Palm Beach. In all, about 300 ships were sunk along the coast. The grouper population responded well. By 2006 they were removed from the species of concern list.

With numerous shipwrecks populated by 800 lb fish, the Florida Reef Tract has become a destination dive location. Perhaps the most famous dive is the grouper aggregation on the M/V Castor in Palm Beach. In the late summer, hundreds of enormous fish gather on this deep wreck in one of the most impressive pelagic viewing dives on the planet.

Florida’s Wild Monkeys Monkey-at-Silver-SpringsPhoto Credit: Jenn Coleman.

On the Silver River, near Silver Springs State Park, eco-tourists can experience another ‘Only in Florida’ encounter – wild monkeys. If you have the means to travel the world, you’re bound to see monkeys in the wild, but for many blue-collar tourists, this might be their only chance.

No, these monkeys aren’t native Florida animals. In 1938 Colonel Tooey imported six monkeys for his wild Jungle Cruise. A few years later, he brought in six more. Now, over 200 monkeys are swinging through the cypress swamps. That means this entire population came from a minimal genetic stock. Only, unlike the Florida panther, scientists are not looking to introduce genetic diversity. You can see their crooked tails and other traits from a shallow gene pool in this isolated population. Even if they are a non-native species, a kayak trip down the Silver River is still a fascinating and fun animal encounter! Native or not, they are wild animals so don’t feed, approach, or harass the monkeys. Just enjoy them from a distance.

Hope for Florida Animals Manatee kissPhoto Credit: Discover Crystal River Florida.

Animal encounters only in Florida are real. America’s subtropics are filled with stories of challenge, redemption, and thousands of volunteers working to save species and habitat. Eco tourism driven education and funding have helped further that cause. From manatees to sea turtles, dolphins to divers, animals are coming back from the brink and having a fighting chance. We hope you are inspired to come to Florida for an amazing eco-adventure.

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A Guide to The Kingdom Centre Tower, Riyadh

A Guide to The Kingdom Centre Tower, Riyadh

In the heart of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, stands a towering masterpiece that has become an iconic landmark of modern architecture – the Kingdom Centre Tower. Completed in 2002, this impressive structure reaches a height of 302.3 meters, making it one of the tallest buildings in the country.

Developed by the Kingdom Holding Company, the tower was designed by a US-based architecture firm and features a unique design that sets it apart from other skyscrapers in the city.

Key Information: The Kingdom Centre Tower

?Location: Olaya Street, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

? How to Get There

By Car: Accessible via major roads and highways in Riyadh

Public Transport: Near bus stops and a planned metro station

? Parking: Ample parking available for visitors


Designers: Ellerbe Becket and Omrania

Height: 302.3 meters (41 floors)

Structure: Features a parabolic arch with a skybridge at the top

Materials: Steel and glass construction

? Visiting Tips

Best Time to Visit: Early mornings or late afternoons to avoid crowds

Tickets: Purchase in advance for the skybridge

? Nearby Attractions

Riyadh Gallery Mall: A short drive away

Kingdom Tower Mosque: Located within the Kingdom Centre, open to visitors

kingdom_centre_towerThe Design and Architecture

At first glance, the Kingdom Centre Tower’s most striking feature is its inverted catenary arch, which creates a curved opening at the top of the tower. This architectural marvel is not just for aesthetic purposes; it also serves a functional role in reducing heat gain and providing a unique perspective for visitors.

The Kingdom center tower is divided into two symmetrical wings, with an enclosed corridor connecting them. The East Wing of the tower houses the Four Seasons Hotel, offering luxury apartments and service facilities such as private meeting rooms and waiter service. The West Wing is dedicated to office space, providing a thriving place for businesses in the city.

The Sky Bridge and Viewing Experience

One of the most thrilling experiences at the Kingdom Centre Tower is a visit to the sky bridge on the 99th floor. This glass-enclosed bridge offers panoramic views of Riyadh city, allowing visitors to witness the bustling city below and the city lights shimmering in the night. The sky bridge is accessed by two elevators and provides the best viewing experience of the city’s skyline.

Attractions and Facilities

Aside from the sky bridge, the Kingdom Centre Tower offers a range of attractions and facilities for visitors. The tower houses shopping malls with high-end boutiques and specialty restaurants, offering a unique shopping and dining experience. The mall also features a Vox Cinema, providing entertainment for the whole family. For those looking for a taste of luxury, the tower’s Royal Suites offer an unparalleled experience with their lavish furnishings and amenities.

kingdom_centre_tower_mallAttractions Near Kingdom Centre Tower

Located near the Kingdom Centre Tower is the Riyadh Gallery Mall, another popular shopping destination in the city. The mall features a wide range of stores, including luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, making it a must-visit for shoppers. Additionally, the tower is close to other iconic landmarks in Riyadh, such as the Kingdom Tower Mosque, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Saudi Arabia.

Stay Options Near Kingdom Centre Tower

For those seeking luxury accommodations near the Kingdom Centre Tower, the Four Seasons Hotel within the tower itself offers a five-star experience with its royal suites and impeccable service. Additionally, the tower’s proximity to other upscale hotels, such as the Ritz-Carlton Riyadh and the Marriott Riyadh Diplomatic Quarter, provides guests with a range of luxury options to choose from.

Ritz-Carlton RiyadhRitz-Carlton Riyadh

For travelers on a budget, there are several affordable stay options near the Kingdom Centre Tower. Budget-friendly hotels like the ibis Riyadh Olaya Street and the Holiday Inn Riyadh Al Qasr offer comfortable accommodations at a reasonable price. Additionally, there are numerous guesthouses and serviced apartments in the area that provide a more economical alternative for budget-conscious travelers.

FAQs Are there any guided tours available for the Kingdom Centre Tower?

Yes, guided tours are available for visitors who want to learn more about the tower’s architecture and history.

Can visitors access the sky bridge during prayer times?

The sky bridge is closed during prayer times, so visitors should plan their visit accordingly.

Is photography allowed inside the Kingdom Centre Tower?

Photography is allowed in most areas of the tower, but visitors should be respectful of other guests and follow any guidelines provided.

Are there any restrictions on what can be brought into the Kingdom Centre Tower?

Yes, visitors are advised to avoid bringing large bags or backpacks, as they may be subject to security checks.

Ritesh Raj

COO at CuddlyNest

Editorial Policy

Last update: 14 June 2024

Explore More in Saudi Arabia

The post A Guide to The Kingdom Centre Tower, Riyadh first appeared on CuddlyNest Travel Blog.

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5 Exciting Ways To Celebrate New Year’s Eve In Dubai

5 Exciting Ways To Celebrate New Year’s Eve In Dubai

They say how you welcome a new year is a good indicator of how the year will proceed. There’s nothing quite like celebrating New Year’s Eve in Dubai with its glamorous nightlife, outstanding entertainment, and spectacular skyline views.

The city is home to some of the most extravagant New Year’s Eve events on the planet, which include the renowned Burj Khalifa fireworks display that attracts thousands of tourists to this beautiful city each year.

So, are you planning to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Dubai? Here is a list of the most amazing things to do during New Year’s Eve in Dubai, with a hearty dose of fireworks, food, and celebrations.

New Year’s Eve In Dubai – Best Ways To Celebrate
Catch the fireworks New Year's Eve In Dubai - Catch the fireworks

? Best Places to Watch New Year’s Eve Fireworks in Dubai ✦ Burj Park
✦ Atlantis The Palm
✦ Dubai Marina Dhow Cruise
✦ Dubai Mall
✦ Madinat Jumeirah

New Year’s Eve in Dubai is doubtless a major affair, complete with spectacular fireworks displays at the city’s famous landmarks. Expect breathtaking lights, lasers, and fireworks lighting up the Downtown sky, with the Burj Khalifa as a glowing centerpiece.

Popular places to see the fireworks on New Year’s Eve for free include the Dubai Canal, Souk Al Bahar, Burj Park, and Dubai Mall. Be aware though that these spots tend to fill up quickly, so it’s advised to arrive early if you plan to attend. Atlantis, The Palm, Bluewaters Island, and Festival City Mall are also good places to catch the show.

Celebrate New Year’s Eve at Global Village New Year's Eve In Dubai - Global VillagePhoto credit: Khaleej Times

? Where Is It? 38C5+F57 – Dubai – UAE. Find on map
? What To Expect 90+ cultures, 3,500+ shopping outlets, 250+ dining options, performances from 40+ countries, and 195+ rides and attractions
? Stay Nearby The First Collection at Jumeirah Village Circle | Check Availability

The world-famous open-air fair, Global Village in Dubai, provides a unique New Year’s Eve experience with more than 30 pavilions representing the different traditions of each country.

The musical fireworks are outstanding and quite a sight to see. Spend your New Year’s Eve in Dubai dining, shopping, and engaging in exciting activities. Kids love the Carnaval, so you don’t have to worry about entertaining them.

“Tourists should not miss seeing Global Village,” says Kevin, a satisfied visitor, “We had fun and captured some incredible pictures. The fireworks during New Year’s Eve in Dubai were amazing.”

Attend a New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner New Year's Eve In Dubai - Attend a New Year's Eve Gala DinnerPhoto credit: Fact magazines

? Must-Try Gala Experiences ✦ Seven Course Dinner at Beluga
✦ Unlimited cocktails and dinner at Basta
✦ NYE Dinner Cruises
✦ Royal Dinner At Burj Al Arab
✦ Argentinian Dinner at Asado

Trying to find a nice way to start the new year? Reserve a seat for the event at one of the many luxurious restaurants in Dubai. Exclusive New Year’s Eve gala dinners with specially prepared menus are generally hosted by most of the city’s restaurants. These Gala Dinners are not just about enjoying a delicious meal, they are also immersive experiences featuring live entertainment, fine wines, and a festive atmosphere.

Celebrate on the sand at Zero Gravity New Year's Eve In Dubai - Celebrate on the sand at Zero Gravity

? Where Is It? Dubai Marina – King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud St. Find on map
? What To Expect ✦ A line-up of acclaimed DJs
✦ Lavish buffets
✦ All-day pool party
? Stay Nearby Habtoor Grand Resort, Autograph Collection | Check Availability

The New Year’s Eve Beach Festival at Zero Gravity Dubai is the place to be if you’re looking for a vibrant beachside celebration. An amazing lineup of international DJs will take you on a musical trip through the hours leading up to midnight as the sun sets on the last day of the year.

Enjoy beachside dining, dancing under the stars, and refreshing beverages with friends at Zero Gravity on New Year’s Eve, all while taking in Dubai’s beautiful coastal surroundings.

Peter, an enthusiastic tourist, says – “My experience at Zero Gravity was excellent. It was a large venue with a lot of people in it. Enjoy stunning views of the fireworks and Dubai Marina. In addition to VIP and VVIP, the facility had various levels of ordinary admission. It was a nice spot to spend New Year’s Eve in Dubai and it was fun.”

Spend an unforgettable night at the Dubai Opera New Year's Eve In Dubai - Spend an unforgettable night at Dubai opera

? Where Is It? Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd – Downtown Dubai. Find on map
? Stay Nearby Address Downtown | Check Availability

Say goodbye to the old and hello to the new at Dubai Opera with a fantastic event. Renowned DJ sets will take place at the historic Downtown Dubai location after brilliant performances by talented artists. Attendees can enjoy a Gala Dinner, a dazzling live show, and incredible views of the Dubai Fountain and Burj Khalifa. As midnight approaches, raise your voice in song and raise a toast to new beginnings and endless possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I celebrate New Year’s Eve in Dubai?

Dubai offers a variety of NYE experiences! You can choose from extravagant galas at luxury hotels, dazzling fireworks displays at iconic locations like the Burj Khalifa, lively parties with DJs, or even a luxurious yacht cruise.

Where can I find the best fireworks displays during New Year’s Eve in Dubai?

The most popular fireworks displays are at the Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab, and the Palm Jumeirah. These locations offer stunning backdrops for the pyrotechnic extravaganza.

Are there any family-friendly NYE events in Dubai?

Absolutely! Global Village Dubai often has special New Year’s Eve celebrations with cultural entertainment and activities perfect for families with kids.

How much does it cost to spend New Year’s Eve in Dubai?

Prices vary greatly depending on the type of event. Luxury galas and yacht parties will be on the higher end, while street parties and some dhow cruises can be more affordable.

What’s the weather like during New Year’s Eve in Dubai?

Dubai enjoys pleasant weather around New Year’s Eve, with warm temperatures and mostly clear skies – perfect for outdoor celebrations.

Are there any cultural things to do during New Year’s Eve in Dubai?

Dubai offers a unique blend of modern and traditional experiences. Consider attending a cultural show at Dubai Opera or enjoying a traditional dhow cruise along the Marina with a celebratory dinner.

Is Dubai expensive during the New Year?

Yes, Dubai tends to be relatively expensive during the New Year due to the high demand for accommodation, dining, and entertainment.

Ritesh Raj

COO at CuddlyNest

Editorial Policy

Last update: 13 June 2024

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The post 5 Exciting Ways To Celebrate New Year’s Eve In Dubai first appeared on CuddlyNest Travel Blog.

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Key Reasons to Visit Byron Bay with Kids + Things To

Key Reasons to Visit Byron Bay with Kids + Things To Do!

Byron Bay is famous for its beautiful beaches and alternative surfer lifestyle. While it’s known for attracting the young, backpacker crowds and surfer communities, it’s also the perfect destination for your next family holiday.

When you first think of Byron Bay, the people that spring to mind are surfers, the spiritually minded, spa lovers, yogis, and those travelers trying to find themselves.

But what about kids? Does this small coastal town in northern NSW have anything to offer children? It turns out that there’s a lot to do in Byron Bay for kids, and have attractions mom and dad will enjoy too!

If you’re not convinced about making Byron Bay a stop on your family vacation, here are some reasons to visit Byron Bay with kids, and a list of kid-friendly things to do.

wide sweeping view of byron bay beachview from Clarkes Beach Caravan Park

Table Of Contents
  1. Reasons To Visit Byron Bay with kids
  2. Things To Do in Byron Bay with kids

  3. Family-Friendly Accommodation in Byron Bay
  4. Family-Friendly Tours in Byron Bay
  5. More Northern NSW Travel Tips

Reasons To Visit Byron Bay with kids woman walking with child on shoulders up to Byron Bay Lighthouse walk - one of the best short walks in AustraliaThis is how we roll. Cape Byron lighthouse walk

Byron Bay is a popular tourist destination that’s most well known for its relaxed atmosphere, beautiful beaches, and backpacker vibes.

It also has plenty of activities to offer families, which is one of the main reasons to visit Byron Bay as a family – you’ll never be bored!

Its beaches are perfect for calm and have gentle waves, perfect swimming, building sandcastles, and bodyboarding. The calm waters of Main Beach are ideal for young children who want to paddle, while The Pass is a great spot for older kids who want to try their hand at surfing.

Most of the activities in Byron are outdoors, from kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding to hiking and bike riding, so if you want to get your kids away from their screens, this is the place to come.

What’s more is many of the attractions are specifically designed for families, such as the Cape Byron Lighthouse walk, which has a stroller friendly surface, and the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, which has wildlife talks for kids.

Byron Bay also has a great selection of restaurants and cafes, so you’re sure to find something to please everyone, even the fussiest of eaters!

Things To Do in Byron Bay with kids

Happily, after extending our visit to Byron Bay by two weeks, we discovered it has so much to offer children and is a place that will delight and calm their spirits.

Here are some of our kid’s favorite activities and things to do…

1. Learn to surf on easy waves surfers on The Pass, Byron Bay, NSW, AustraliaThe Pass, Byron Bay NSW

We met many young kids riding the surf each day with their parents. Byron Bay is all about the ocean, whether you’re snorkeling, diving, or swimming, but it’s mostly about the surfing.

It’s the most iconic destination for surfing in Australia, so if there’s ever a place to learn, it would be here.

Don’t worry, the surf schools cater to children too, and have some of the best instructors in the world.

If you’re already familiar with how to surf but are at beginner level, head to Byron Bay Main Beach, Wategos Beach and The Pass, which have beautiful, clean surf breaks – they are perfect for learning and for kids to build up their experience and confidence.

2. Camp on the beach stairs leading down to Clarkes Beach, Byron Bay, AustraliaClarkes Beach

Camping is a great family activity. Your kids will love walking from their tent, caravan or cabin straight onto the beach from Reflections Byron Bay Holiday Park.

This park has to be in one of the best locations in the world.

We loved sitting at the viewing deck and communal barbecue in the evening, watching the sunset as the girls played with their new campground friends.

3. Eat the best pancakes in the world Pancakes at the Macadamia Castle, Byron Bay, AustraliaHow is that for pancakes?

Just out the back of Byron Bay, off the Pacific Highway between Byron and Ballina, are possibly the BEST pancakes in the world at the Byron Bay Wildlife Sanctuary (formerly Macadamia Castle Animal Fun Park).

Seriously, they are sooo good!

Your kids will also love venturing out the back to visit the wide assortment of farm animals, native Australian animals, play a round on the mini-golf course, or enjoy a short train ride.

4. Get a little bit zen at the Crystal Castle and Shambhala Gardens girls mediating near Buddha Statue at the Crystal Castle, Byron BayCrystal Castle, Byron Bay

My girls loved going to the Crystal Castle, this was one of our mummy and daughter dates.

I arrived in a stinky mood and walked out feeling calm and happy. That’s the effect of this place that has a halo of healing energy around it thanks to the hundreds of crystals in gardens, in healing grids and on show throughout the castle.

girl lying in front of Buddha Statue at the Crystal Castle, Byron BayCalming family fun in Byron

You can even stand between the two tallest crystals in the world in the garden.

It’s a really fascinating and calming way to spend the day.

5. Enjoy the evening fire-throwing shows A group of people watching performers

Head down to Byron Main Beach in the evening and enjoy a bit of take away dinner while watching a few fire-throwing shows put on by some locals to entertain the kids.

It’s also a nice time to enjoy a bit of time out as they sit riveted.

These guys operate on a tips only basis.

6. Do the Byron Bay Lighthouse coastal walk family posing at sign Cape Byron, NSW, AustraliaByron Bay coastal walk

We love hikes and coastal walks with our kids. The Byron Bay Lighthouse walk is a fantastic walk from Main Beach to the lighthouse that is pretty easy for kids to make.

If you have to, bribe them with an ice cream from the Lighthouse Café once they reach the top.

Byron Bay Lighthouse, AustraliaByron Bay Lighthouse

They might get to see dolphins or humpback whales along the way (June to November) or perhaps a surfer being rescued by jet ski (our girls loved this!).

At the end of the walk, they’ll get to stand at Australia’s most easterly point.

Read more: Check out more of our favourite walks in Australia.

7. Play on Byron Bay’s beautiful beaches Main Beach Byron Bay, AustraliaMain Beach, Byron Bay

The Byron Bay area is spoilt for choice when it comes to beautiful beaches that are family friendly and great for swimming, sandcastle building, walking and playing.

sweeping view of Wategoas Beach Wategos Beach

Check out Main Beach, Clarkes Beach, Wategos Beach and The Pass.

These are our favorite beaches in Byron Bay for families because they have lifeguards in the summer, and other important facilities like kiosks and toilets.

8. Visit The Byron Bay Markets people walking through byron bay marketsByron Bay markets

We’re a market family. When in a new region, one of the first things we check is the local market talent and when it’s on.

The Byron Bay Markets are on the first Sunday of every month and then every fourth Sunday is the Bangalow Markets, just a 15-minute drive away.

Kids love the face painting, enjoying a bite to eat, listening to some local music and shopping for market goodies. There’s plenty for the kids AND parents to enjoy.

9. Explore the surrounding towns family walking on Lennox Head coastal walk, AustraliaLennox Head coastal walk

Need a break from Byron? Just a short drive away are many beautiful towns for you to explore with the kids – Lennox Head, Brunswick Heads, Bangalow, Mullumbimby and Nimbin are just a few with gorgeous hinterland views, waterfalls, rainforests and great surfing breaks.

10. Eat family friendly food in Byron Burgers from Top Shop, Byron Bay, AustraliaBurgers from Top Shop

My girls are culinary explorers. They love eating out, which my wallet doesn’t enjoy too much!

Byron Bay has an incredible array of cafes and restaurants. It’s a great introduction to healthy alternatives – be prepared for plenty of sugar-free, vegetarian, whole food experiences.

There’s also great take-away options and casual cafes. The Top Shop is a locals fave for burgers and grab yourself some gourmet fish & chips from mongers and have dinner on the beach watching the sunset.

family eating dinner on beachSunset dinner on the beach11. Live music at Byron Bay Main Beach

Kids just love to groove. Whether it is African drumming on the beach, busking in the streets or live music in the beer gardens or at the markets.

Byron Bay provides ample opportunities for kids to boogie.

We also love taking a picnic down in the evening and enjoying the sunset at one of the picnic tables.

12. Free juggling and hooping fun kids playing with hula hopps at byronMain beach free hooping

We walked past the Main Beach grass area one afternoon and randomly came across a young man providing free play for the kids at the beach.

He had hula hoops, unicycles, juggling gear and play toys strewn across the grass for the kids to play with. It was packed with grinning children exploring their kinesthetic talents.

Oh, and the nearby playground is great too!

playground13. Circus Arts Byron Bay

Perhaps something a bit unique that you can do with kids in Byron Bay is learn how to walk the high ropes of a trapeze at Circus Arts Byron Bay.

It also has a indoor climbing wall, ninja course, and play space for toddlers.

14. Snorkel with the sea turtles at Julian Rocks turtle under water

If you’re looking for snorkel tours in Byron Bay, then consider a snorkel tour of Julian Rocks Marine Reserve, which is known for its sea turtle colony.

You may also see wobbegong sharks and many colourful fish.

If your kids are strong swimmers, they will be amazed by the underwater world waiting for them to explore!

15. Walk the Fairy Trail in Brunswick Heads

Another family-friendly adventure to have is the

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Visiting The Eiffel Tower For The First Time

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. It’s without a doubt one of the best things you can do when visiting Paris for the very first time. However, that means everyone else will want to climb the Eiffel Tower too. To make the most of your visit, you’ll want … Read more

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From K-Drama Concerts to Webtoon Exhibits: Discover KCC’s
Summer Lineup

From K-Drama Concerts to Webtoon Exhibits: Discover KCC’s Summer Lineup

It’s a weekly affair at the KCC!  

The Korean Cultural Center in the Philippines (KCC) is excited to announce a series of vibrant K-culture events lined up for June and July. From traditional performances and webtoon exhibits to K-drama concerts and K-pop festivities, there’s something for every K-culture enthusiast. Here’s a detailed look at what’s in store:

Korea Festival in Cebu  

Join us for the Cebu leg of the “K-Culture Next Door: 2024 Korean Festival” on June 15 and 16. The festival kicks off with an opening ceremony at 2 PM at the Sky Hall, with festivities running from 10 AM to 8 PM at the Mountain Wing Atrium. Immerse yourself in a blend of traditional and contemporary Korean experiences and performances—all for free! 

Highlights include:

  • The Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Dance Company, who will showcase unique performances from Jeju, 
  • K-Tigers, Korea’s fusion taekwondo team, delivering an exhilarating contemporary performance, and the 
  • University of Cebu Dance Company, to represent a repertoire of traditional Filipino dance. 

K-Comics World Tour  

Explore the evolving world of Korean webtoons at our “K-Comics World Tour”, running from June 21 to August 10 at the Groundspace Gallery, The M in BGC from 9 AM to 6 PM. Hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) and the Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA), discover how webtoons shape Korea’s entertainment industry, with popular K-drama adaptations like “What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim” and “Red Sleeve” featured. Entrance is free, and no registration is required.  

A Webtoon workshop will also happen on the opening date, June 21. Interested participants may register until June 14 through:

K-Drama OST Concert  

Celebrate your love for K-dramas with the “OST Symphony: K-drama in Concert featuring the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra.” This first-of-its-kind concert in the Philippines, organized by KCC in collaboration with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), will take place on June 29, 2PM, at the Metropolitan Theater, Manila. Relive memories of beloved K-dramas and reserve your seats at

KPOP Academy  

Dance to the beat of K-pop in our July events, starting with the KPOP Academy. This inaugural academy in the Philippines offers interested applicants a chance to register until Thursday, June 13 via

Featured mentors include:  

  • Jihoon from AUSPICIOUS, a seasoned choreographer and dancer who has worked with SM Entertainment and PLEDIS Entertainment, and performed with idols like SHINee’s Onew, Tomorrow X Together, and EXO. 
  • Ciel from ACE DANCE STUDIO, the Performance Director of Dreamcatcher and trained idols like Dalshabet and ‘Masked Singer’ Sohyang 
  • Adding more excitement, the five-member P-pop group KAIA will grace the students on their recital day.   

Everyone’s KPOP: Manila  

Experience the energy of K-pop at “Everyone’s KPOP: Manila” on July 6 at the Mega Fashion Hall, SM Megamall. This event is dedicated to all K-pop and non-K-pop fans, featuring the annual Kpop Cover Dance Festival, with the winner earning a trip to Korea for the finals and a variety of fan club booths, stage games, and experiences throughout the day.  

Surprise performances from invited artists will also be revealed in the following days.  

Don’t miss out on KCC’s exciting events! Keep the spirit of K-culture alive by saving these dates. For more information and updates, stay tuned to their social media pages. 

See you there!

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